Monday, December 21, 2015


What makes Christmas so special? 

For as long as I can remember Christmas has been my favorite time of year, but I rarely think about why it’s so important to me. So I thought I’d take a moment out of my day to really think about it.

In my childhood I remember Christmas music, baking, playing games with my brothers and sister, mom and dad dancing, fires in the fireplace, and happiness. It was the one time of year in my dysfunctional home that dad wasn’t angry all the time. It was a protected moment in my year for joy, peace, and extra love and attention.

As the years have gone by, I feel that special warmness fading away. It’s not because we don’t celebrate anymore. Rather, it is because even when celebrating we are so disconnected there is rarely the magic of love in our holiday season.

At Christmastime, we buy and buy, we decorate and decorate, and we prepare decadent food to overflowing, but it is all for not. We do not reflect on the giving of gifts, on the beauty of décor, and once the food is in our bellies, we fall into a coma of over-indulgence.

What the hell happened?
It makes me ill to envision another year of over-indulgence without substance.

I really thought about this and I think it comes down to 3 things.
1. We are consumed by our social media at the expense of our families.
2. We are no longer connected to our extended families (and social media excuses face to face time).
3. We are hell bent on not just keeping up with the Joneses, but grinding them beneath our Jimmy Choo’s, with this year’s latest technology.

So, is it reparable?
Sadly, I don’t think so. I’m showing my pessimist. But…

Do you want to try?

Have a technology free Christmas. I will add the caveat, use your phones to call all your loved ones and talk. Real talk. About your struggles. Your Joys. Triumphs and Failures. Be real and connected for a day. It might prove to be too much or it might just bring back some of the warmness and magic all holidays are supposed to have.

Be Present For Christmas

~Laura Whitley